Bamiyan Province
From north to the HinduKush mountains, to the south form baba mountains. It has located in to center of Afghanistan and three thousand meters high above sea level. The province has rich of ancient civilization in a map of buddies, bamieain which mean shiny and beautiful that has mentioned in narrativeof hywantensing was a famous chiness tourist in 630 AD vanyan. bamiyan is one of the most ancient province in Afghanistan where the tow dilapidated statues of Buddha and band- e- Amir (Afghanistan’s first national park) delight or indicated in history of it finally in this province got cold and snowy in winter. in season of spring and summer the weather is temperate, its savory the most cold district of bamiyan is Punjab. bamiyan area approximately is about 18029 square kilometers which 26.2 percent of the entire breadth of the country will taken by it the province of an altitude of 2500 meters above sea level and located between 67 digree and 29 Celsius 40 centigrade.
Bamiyan has more than 1,900 mosque takia khana as a place of religious worship which people use it for religious traditional costume without tow religious show use it for religious traditional costume without tow religious shouya and suni ely there is now religion and all citizen of the bamiyan inhabitant are devout followers of Islam. bamiyan has its own particular traditional Hazuras. such as peshpow mostly performed in a group that exists within national local dance in a place at the center hazurajat which some areas, with local poetry at the weddings would have been used by poetry at the weddings would have been used by people. how to dance, so that takes apple flowers handcrachife in both hands while they hand once down together at the same time from up to down, the waist will be bend to the ground first one hand and then other hand then other hands the continue the game after the execution of the first step. tow step forward to the front of groom and bride moving and either ring rotate the groom and get up to the horse they dance or play in the way to the home of groom and groom move ahead to bride and continues peishpoo addition, local sport such as roping game, buzkashi babakakan game, they are also remains from past time in eid to the rural villages have been playing by them and still now progress it.
The destruction of the Buddha statues band-e- Amir, Shari ghullqula, ShariZahak, Chileburg (forty towers) valley of dragon, fairouz bahar eara, kalakan tobms and castle of forty tower,gohar gin kaferi, chilstoun, cityinfidels char doghtaran, other area of the ancient royal city bamiyan attracted the attention of domestic and foreign tourist annually government and people to understanding of tourism, earn well income,Buddhastatues has gotten 1800 years dated and one of the masterpiece during Buddhism. during Talibanregime in 11/ mar/ 2001 by the name of entity idol mean after two days firing strike it had been destroyed the large statues with 55 meters’ height and the small statues by the name of shamahma altitude of 35 meters in the mountain had scrape in the way to the ancient silk road of bamiyan approximately 3 kilometers north of the city.
Buddhists i 2-5 century had lived the two other statues as wonder of the world record cultural organization of (UNESCO) united nation in tourism. band-e- Amir, Shari ghulghula and other caves around Buddha, Shari zahak as a historical and archaeological sites of UNESCO is also recorded Germany tourism archeology team (ICOMOS) Buddha in three million dollars to stregthen the classification and 1000 pieces of fabric have been able to identify and after scoring, named part of the pieces in place for the protection of it and each pieces of that about 90 till 100 Wight as people saisBuddha statues should be rebuild.
1386 in conference of bon at BerlinGermany by participation of UNISCO, Japan, France and the ministry of information and culture of Afghanistan took decision that the Buddha large statues fifty percent of fabrics and materials is complete of umbel down again to be reconstructed or rebuild, Japanledge of more than 100 million dollars for reconstruction of Buddha . after destruction of the Buddha’s, yamaguta Japanese artist, to rebuild these part of Buddha from Japan has to throw rays of the lagaz on that place which reflected yamaguta said that up to thirty million dollars budget she has taken the images will be in the same previous location.
Artist wanted a series images of like clefts of Bamiyan with fourteen she the system in addition to embody of tow figures electricity was produced
For the local people but the program has been operating. The program has been operating.
The afghan and Frencharchaeologists, in front of the Buddha statues excavated have been discovered buried. The most important of these discoveries. Seven tombs, sane heads of statues busts and sitting Buddha, different part of Potts, scrap stone, golden coins and silver form duration of Buddhism. the most important which have been discovered, was seven tomb as localpilgrim which they ware been collecting their offering to it , Buddhists’ in 5-2 century, had lived about 10 years domestic and foreign archaeologist during the excavation lying Buddha statue19 meters in front of Buddha by afghan and French archaeologists team dilapidated of Buddha discovered.
Zameryali tarzi an Afghan archaeologist who lead the team, says that he has discovered about 300 meters lied Buddha. According to Haiwan song a Chinese pilgrims book lying 333, 3 meters Buddha that it’s position is unknown which locate in what part of the dilapidated Buddha.
until now the archaeologists has believed that there will be 333,3 so far no around the statue, about three thousand caves since Buddhism also seen that hundreds of families are still homeless in some of these caves agnate with poverty primitive life had gotten.
Baba Mountain
Concatenation of baba mountain and Arous mountain the most high and longest mountains of Bamiyan, which the highest peak baba mountain called shah baba referred to the 5147 meters of the seal level and it has located in south central of Bamiyan. In the high of that mountainfour natural water pool has been located with 10 up to 20 m depth with area of 12 up to 15 acres of land which attracted the attention.
babamountains in 1391 was officially listed in the united nations protected area sky and skate has been playing since 1383 on the baba mountainside and popular foreign players said that Bamiyan is the best place for skate in Afghanistan and the most appropriate place. for the first time 12 foreign and afghan women in 1390 had been played skate in baba mountainside and the winner was Bamiyan team later in the mountain American mountaineers have also came in clime to mountains
Bamiyan museum has on there All archaeological excavation team in the last ten years by the French German, Japanese have been detected, by the board of the province’s varnish tooling.
The most important of thousands historical monument, including of dormant Buddha statues was discovered in the province as well as hundreds of items from coins Islamic period Buddhain Bamiyan has available, but not the museum all the items have been locked out of sight of the people and by the guards in box be protected.
Supposed to be thesituation was that museums nontransferable at the top of discoveries such as Buddha statues discovered 19 meters temples be built, but so far in this directions practically no action celebrities.
Sports Bamiyan has 16 sports federation which is active in Bamiyan 12740 has participating, including 700 female athletes registered in sports department at Bamiyan province .and also mountaineers including its which the most important is Buzkashi in as considered one of the national traditional costume game in this province.