Belovezhskaya Pushcha is the largest primeval forest in Europe. Here you can find bisons and lynxes that are rare in the world, and more than half of the plants that are growing in the country….
The museum hospitably opens its doors to everyone who is interested in the history of the Great Patriotic and World War II….
Slavic Bazaar is the largest festival of the country. Since 1992, this holiday of republican scale meets guests from many countries of the world, and is a launching pad for young musicians and performers, as well as other artists….
At all times the major winter fest was considered to be Kaliadi. Earlier this festivity symbolized the beginning of the New Year: both agricultural and solar….
This is the biggest sports complex in Belarus. There was a skating stadium, a cycle track and an ice palace. Minsk Arena hosts the highest level of sporting events.
The Central Committee of the Byelorussian Communist Party approved numerous proposals to build a war memorial in the Brest fortress, celebrating the 20th anniversary of the liberation of the Soviet Byelorussia….
A mosque in Anau that was erected, according to the interior and exterior inscriptions, in 1456, when Abu-l-Kasim Baber Bahadurkhan ruled in Khorasan (1446-1457).
Almost a thousand years ago over the burial place of the popular in Central Asia the Sufi Sheikh Abu said Abul Khayra Mehney (967-1049) is one of the most famous representatives of Islamic mysticism….
The ruins of ancient and medieval town Nisa are located not very far (only 18 km) from the Ash¬gabat in the foothills of Kopetdag mountains in Bagir village….
In the Middle Ages in Gurgenge (now Old Urgench in northern Turkmenistan) was formed a unique artistic and intellectual environment, attracted a pleiad of fine scientists….