HONDURAN PEOPLE MUSSEUM, TEGUCIGALPA, FRANCISCO MORAZÁN , you can visit his collection of paintings by Honduran artists….

LAKE YOJOA, is the only lake of volcanic origin in Honduras and the largest fresh water reserve in the country. In 2005 it was….

WHITE CITY, GRACIAS A DIOS, The Legend of the White City in Honduras, or Ciudad Blanca, originated from short fragments….

PULHAPANZAK FALLS, LAKE YOJOA, When the course of the Lindo River runs out of soil, it falls 43 meters in Pulhapanzak….

PUERTO CORTÉS, CORTÉS, is the most modern port city in Central America and was one of the first Spanish foundations in Honduras….

Colors in a rich and biodiverse reef, a landscape with turquoise blue horizon and mountains covered with tropical forest….