Most of northern Israel is generically known as The Galilee (Galil in Hebrew). It stretches virtually from the Mediterranean to the harp-shaped Sea Of Galilee and River Jordan….

The southernmost city in Israel, Eilat is renowned for its spectacular combination of the surrounding desert landscape, the beautiful bay and the summer sun that shines all year round….

With breathtaking natural beauty, soothing rich mineral Spas, proved healing qualities and many unique experiences, it’s no wonder the Dead Sea….

Tel Aviv’s “WHITE CITY” is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, because the city is home to more Bauhaus, modern and “International” architecture than any city on earth.

Despite Israel being small its scenery varies immensely! You will find new cities and old, beaches and lakes, deserts and green mountains.

Jerusalem’s Old City walls, built in the early 16th century by the Turkish Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, have eight gates.

Jerusalem is a mesmerizing and magical city. Many people who visit Jerusalem rave about the amazing atmosphere, the unforgettable sites, the breathtaking views and more.