Also like Egypt, around the coast of Sudan there are beautiful coral reefs. They are located at shallow depth and underwater visibility is great. Like most tropical seas, the diversity of species in the Red Sea is significant.

With Sahara desert and great Nile covering most of its length, the republic of Sudan with its colorful past and interesting cultural elements is attracting visitors from all over the world now a days.

Province of Sudan is sparsely populated. In practice, apart from the capital Khartoum and the coast everything else remains pretty far from the tourist routes. The province is not only considered….

Cities in Sudan has a typical oriental appearance. For example, in the capital Khartoum you will feel like you’re not in Africa, but rather in the Middle East.

Within Sudan there are traces of human presence since ancient times. On the territory of the country are found many articles, dating from the Stone Age. Today they are stored mainly in museums in the capital….

Sudan is place, where we can find two completely different faces of Africa. On the one hand is the dry and desert north of the Sahara, on the other hand are the rich in life savannas of central Africa and the….